29 September 2020

Agenda Item 18(b)



Brighton & Hove City Council





A period of not more than fifteen minutes shall be allowed at each ordinary meeting for questions submitted by a member of the public.


The question will be answered without discussion. The person who asked the question may ask one relevant supplementary question, which shall be put and answered without discussion. The person to whom a question, or supplementary question, has been put may decline to answer it. 


The following written questions have been received from members of the public:



(i)           Diesel Vehicles – Adrian Hill


Last year 30 brand new 100% diesel buses were purchased with investment from the council.  They produce similar amounts of CO2 to older buses.  The buses recharge by running their diesel engines at maximum at bus stops and crossings therefore emitting pollution in the most sensitive and polluted areas of Brighton.  Can the council implement a very clear roadmap, with strict and enforceable targets, dates, penalties and incentives, to help the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy and create investment guidelines so no more council money is invested in diesel vehicles and council licensed vehicles become fossil fuel free?


(ii)          Water run-off – Sarah Broadley-Karlsson


Water run-off is a major issue for in the Westfield Avenue area of Saltdean. When there is a storm, road water run-off runs down the driveways and floods to just below our doorsteps- occasionally rising above and flooding the front of our property.

Pathway drains were installed but more are required. This will be crucial if the Coombe Farm planning goes ahead on current land that acts a flood plain.

Will the council confirm they will install desperately needed additional water run-off drainage and frequent cleaning of the current drainage system to prevent properties flooding?


(iii)        Clifftop fencing – Miranda Pellew


Could the Council seriously consider replacing the fence along the clifftop from the Marina to Saltdean to deter attempted suicides?  There have been several attempted and successful suicides in recent months and the current fencing is totally inadequate to prevent accidents.  Suicide, and the intention of suicide, has profound effects on families, of course but also incidental passersby.  In addition, I am sure many police officers and paramedics suffer the effects of trauma. Furthermore, a fence must be cheaper than the consequences of suicide. If people can be saved by a simple fence, this should be implemented






(iv)        AQMA2 – Nigel Smith


Having voted £40k to identify, set up and monitor a traffic experiment to reduce NO2 in AQMA2, residents have been told the monitoring equipment for air quality and traffic flows is still not providing useful reports after nearly a year.

If this is true will you investigate this further example of mismanagement of our congested roads ...if it is not true, please provide evidence to refute this story.


(v)          Underground waste bin service – Derek Wright


I want to ask the council officers to commission a report on the feasibility of introducing an underground waste bin collection service, as used in other Heritage centres and in many European resorts. The council could trial such a system here, by planning it into the public realm designs of Valley Gardens Phase 3, Madeira Drive and Black Rock. It would result in hiding underground the, unsightly communal and commercial waste bins that blight the seafront and our conservation areas. This didn't happen in Valley Gardens phase 1 &2 which has resulted in the Commercial and Council bins blighting the area.


(vi)        Motorcycle noise – Paul Tofts


Loud noises cause stress and attack well-being and mental health, particularly for children and disabled people. Noise from powerful motorcycles, ridden anti-socially, often by non-residents, can be extremely disturbing, at locations such as the approach to the City, Valley Gardens and the seafront. Excellent work by this Committee to encourage walkers and cyclists to reclaim these spaces is threatened with irrelevance by such environmental degradation.

In Paris the Police have cameras to monitor noisy motor cyclists and take action against offenders.

Is the Environmental Committee responsible for addressing the degradation of the Environment by throbbing motorcycle noise?